Important information about our relationship with you.

We believe a strong relationship is based on transparency and trust. That's why we want to provide you with a clear understanding of our services. No matter how you work with us, we act in your best interest when we give you advice about your investments.

Our services, fees, and obligations when you work with us.

Client Relationship Summary

Our Client Relationship Summaries highlight the nature of the brokerage and investment advisory relationships available at Schwab, as well as how our brokerage and advisory services and fees differ.

Broker-Dealer (Form CRS-BD)

Investment Advisory (Form CRS-IA)

Your Best Interest

Whether you have a brokerage account or enroll in one of our investment advisory programs, we act in your best interest: 

Broker-Dealer Relationship

Our Best Interest Disclosure gives more detailed information about how we work in your best interest when we make account and investment recommendations as a broker-dealer, while our Limitations and Conflicts of Interest document provides more information about the limitations or conflicts that apply when we make these recommendations. 

Investment Advisory Relationship

Our Advisory Program Disclosure Brochure(s) provides additional information on each advisory program, our role, and specific information on services, fees, and conflicts of interest.