Portfolio Management

Learn about diversification, asset allocation, rebalancing, risk, and other aspects of portfolio management.

3 Retirement Income Challenges You Might Not Expect

Turning your retirement savings into a steady stream of income can be tricky. Here are three challenges to plan for.

How to Pay Yourself in Retirement

Learn why retirement income planning is critical and how to put a sensible, sustainable plan in place.

What Should Your Retirement Portfolio Include?

As your goals change, so will your portfolio. But you need to strike the right balance.

How to Make Your Money Last in Retirement

Find out the key steps that make up any retirement income plan. The best way to implement it depends on how involved you want to be.

How to Plan Your Retirement Withdrawal Strategy

After spending decades saving for retirement, you may feel a little uneasy when it comes time to start withdrawing and living off that money. What can you do to make it last?

Managing an Options Portfolio | 1-29-25

In this webcast we discussed looking at your whole portfolio and its Greeks in order to help decide on appropriate options positions.

Schwab's 2025 Long-Term Capital Market Expectations

Continuing last year's trend, our 2025 outlook shows fixed income benefiting from high rates, while equities face a narrowing edge over risk-free investments.

Portfolio Management Checklist

Checking in on your portfolio at least once a year can help you make sure your investments are helping you accomplish your goals. Here's a checklist to see how your portfolio stacks up.

Understanding Portfolio Margin

Qualified traders have access to portfolio margin, which can offer a way to increase a trader's available budget.

2025 Planning and Wealth Management Outlook

Stay on track in 2025 to reach your financial goals by anticipating tax changes, managing inflation concerns, and being aware of risk management costs.